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Traditional festivals in Asturias - La Regalina

The last Sunday in August is the famous Fiesta de la Regalina, perhaps one of the most colourful traditional pilgrimages in Asturias, and certainly the most spectacular in its location. But how traditional is it? Well, like everything else, it depends on how you look at it. But first I have to tell you about […]

Chestnuts in Spain.

Chestnuts in Asturias and Bierzo

AUTUMN, TIME FOR “AMAGÜESTOS” AND “MAGOSTOS”. Today I want to talk a bit about the magostos or amagüestu (there are more names, but I am going to use only these two, because I want to focus on the Magosto del Bierzo and the Amagüestu of Asturias). In short, a magosto or amagüestu is a gathering […]

The “Nueches en Danza”. New asturian traditional dance

Asturian Traditional dance

We love writing to you about music in Asturias. The music of each place says a lot about its land, its culture, its mixes, its influences, its daily life… It’s a way of getting to know everything from superficial aspects to more deep aspects of a territory. And what’s more, you can move your skeleton, […]

The nine see baths tradition

Beach at the occidental coast of Asturias

September arrives and with it, a tradition very settled by these lands. The 9 bathrooms. Do you know what it is? It is said that if during the month of September you take nine baths in a row, of at least 9 waves, you protect yourself from colds throughout the year. Do you know what […]

Horreos and Paneras


Today we want to tell you about one of the most typical constructions of Asturias, the horreos (and paneras) It is not the only typical Asturian construction, but perhaps the most famous. There are thousands of them. Rare is the town where you do not find some horreos. What were they for? Mainly, for storage. […]

Tradition: Andai de día, que la nuechi ye mía

La Güestia - Halloween

(Walk during the daylight, the night is mine)Local traditions in Asturias, and much more…  Do you think that enlightened pumkins are just for american Halloween? We are nearly in the All Hallows Eve. Or Halloween, Samhain, Tosantos, Night of the Dead… These is a data where the pagan and the religious mix, separate, stir or […]

La puya’l ramu. Tradiciones en Asturias.

La Puya'l Ramu

La puya’l ramu. Tradiciones en Asturias. We present to you an ancestral Asturian tradition. It has been since the 14th century documented, although it is believed to have pre-Christian origins, similar to the German Erntedank and other European festivities linked to crops. It is currently linked to the religious festivals at the villages. Several espelt […]

Wooden canes

Vara de monte

If you ever forget your mountain canes, you can always try to find a branch dropped to the ground and using it as a cane. Never take one of a living tree, it could be a protected specie. All shepherds around the world have used wooden canes and sticks as a main tool. They are […]