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Hiking as therapy. Improve your mental health.

Senderismo en Asturias

Hiking as therapy. Improve your mental health. Hiking is an activity that not only benefits our body, but also, and I would almost say above all, our mental health.I would almost say above all, our mental health. Here are some of the benefits that this practice has for the mind:  Improves self-esteem: The practice […]


Best Hikes in Asturias - Puerto de Agüeria

Today we start a new section in our blog, “THE BEST HIKING ROUTES IN ASTURIAS”. OK, OK, I know. Talking about the best hiking routes in Asturias is a bit pretentious and subjective. There will be those who adore the Cares route, those who only make eyes at the Senda del Oso, those who think […]

How long is my MIDE? The MIDE as a method to measure hiking difficulty

MIDE measurement method

Hello, we present our new post.  In this oportunity we talk about the MIDE method, an objective method to measure the difficulty of a hiking trail. How do you know if a trekking route is easy or difficult? How difficult is a hiking trail? We are talking about it here. We bet on the MIDE […]

Tips for trekking. Today, ticks.


  Tips for trekking.  Have you ever had problems with ticks and other insects.  Today, we talk about ticks.  (english subtitled)     Asturian Ways Channel

Emergency sunglasses

Gafas de emergencia - remedio esquimal

Have you forgotten your sunglasses and you are going to a snow area? There is an emergency solution. It is an Eskimo invention to prevent damage from sunlight in situations of maximum exposure. It consists of placing an opaque screen on glasses or equivalent support, making a small longitudinal groove on each small screen. The […]

Why should we not pet dogs in the bush?

Mastín en el monte

If you like dogs as much as us, if you are concerned about animal welfare, please do not touch or feed them when you find one in the bush. They are not pets, but shepherd dogs or herd defence dogs. Their survival and work depends on not being too accustomed to dealing with humans, and […]