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Marcha nórdica en Gijón



In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, JUAN MIGUEL PIEDEHIERRO GUTIERREZ (hereinafter, ASTURIAN WAYS), which acts with the trademark ASTURIAN WAYS and as the owner of the website www.asturianways.com, proceeds to communicate to them the identifying data required by the aforementioned standard:

NIF: 10,877.863-J.




PHONE: + 34 698 93 40 77

EMAIL: info@asturianways.com


Access to the WEBSITE is, in principle, free of charge, without prejudice to the contracting of the products or services through the WEBSITE being subject to financial consideration.


The USER undertakes not to use the WEBSITE or the information offered therein for the performance of activities contrary to law, morality or public order and, in general, to make use in accordance with the conditions established by THE COMPANY.

The opinions, content and, in general, all the activities carried out by the USER, are its sole responsibility, without being able to hold THE COMPANY responsible for any damages that may arise from such activities beyond its control and without it having an effective knowledge of them.

In addition, in accordance with all this, the End User may not:

– Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless the written and explicit authorization of THE COMPANY, which owns the corresponding rights, or that this is legally permitted.

– Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the “copyright” and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of THE COMPANY or its owners, fingerprints and / or digital identifiers, or any other technical means established for its recognition.

The End User must refrain from obtaining and even attempting to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those that, as the case may be, have been made available to them for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the web pages where the Contents are located or, in general, those that are usually used on the Internet for this purpose provided that they do not involve a risk of damage or disablement of the Site, and / or the Contents.


THE COMPANY will not be responsible for errors in access to the WEBSITE or its contents, although it will put the utmost diligence in that they do not occur.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to temporarily suspend, and without prior notice, the accessibility of the WEBSITE in connection with a possible need to carry out maintenance, repair, updating or improvement of the same.


All the contents of the WEBSITE (including, without limitation, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of THE COMPANY and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property rules, with all rights reserved.

The domain name, trademarks, labels, distinctive signs or logos that appear on the WEBSITE are the property of THE COMPANY or assigned by third parties for dissemination or marketing for which the agreements and authorization necessary for its display is available.

All texts, graphic drawings, videos or audio media that may be found at this time or in the future on this website, are the property of THE COMPANY and may not be subject to further modification, copying, alteration, total or partial reproduction, adaptation or translation by the USER or third parties without the express authorization by THE COMPANY.

Unauthorized use of the information contained in this WEBSITE, as well as the injury of intellectual or industrial property rights will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.


The establishment of any hyperlink from a third party website, to any of the pages of the WEBSITE of THE COMPANY will be subject to the following conditions:

The reproduction of any of the services contained in the COMPANY’s WEBSITE is not permitted.

– By way of derogation from the foregoing, prior authorization will not be required where the Hyperlink only allows access to the home page, but may not reproduce it in any way. Any other form of Hyperlink will require the express and unambiguous written authorization of THE COMPANY.

No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements will be included on the pages of the COMPANY’s WEBSITE and its services.

Under no circumstances will THE COMPANY be responsible for the contents, information, manifestations, opinions or services made available to the public on the website from which a hyperlink to this WEBSITE is established.

Any hyperlinks will be made to the main page of the WEBSITE.

The hyperlinks found on the WEBSITE have previously been agreed with the owners of the linked websites. THE COMPANY shall not be liable for misuse or activities contrary to the law, morality or public order carried out by users on such linked pages.


Cookie policy

Cookies are the technical means for “traceability” and tracking navigation on the Websites. They are small text files that are written to the User’s computer. This method has implications on privacy, so THE COMPANY informs that it may use cookies in order to compile statistics of use of the website as well as to identify the User’s PC allowing to recognize him on his next visits. In any case, the user can configure their browser to not allow the use of cookies on their visits to the website.

At THE COMPANY we use cookies in order to provide a better service and provide you with a better browsing experience. We want to inform you clearly and accurately about the cookies we use, detailing below what a cookie is, what it is for, what its purpose is and how you can configure or disable them if you wish.

In accordance with the Spanish regulations governing the use of cookies in relation to the provision of electronic communications services, contained in Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, of March 30, we inform you about the cookies used on the website of THE COMPANY (hereinafter, the “Website”) and the reason for their use. Likewise, THE COMPANY informs you that by browsing the Website you are giving your consent to use them.

The cookies used on our Website, may be own and third-party, and allow us to store and access information related to the language, the type of browser used, and other general features predefined by the user, as well as, follow and analyze the activity carried out, in order to introduce improvements and provide our services in a more efficient and personalized way.

The use of cookies offers numerous advantages in the provision of information society services, since, among others: (i) it facilitates the user to browse the Website and access to the different services it offers; (ii) prevents the user from configuring the predefined general features each time he/she accesses the Website; (iii) promotes the improvement of the operation and services provided through the Website, after the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the installed cookies.

THE COMPANY uses on this website the following cookies necessary for the provision of certain services expressly requested by the user and that if deactivated, will not be able to correctly receive our contents and services, and not necessary: (i) analytical (tracking and statistical analysis of the behavior of users as a whole), (ii) advertising (management of generic advertising spaces) and (iii) behavioural (for the management of advertising spaces according to the specific profile of the user); these non-necessary cookies can be disabled and the website may continue to function properly, although the information collected by these cookies allows us to improve our services.

However, you can configure your browser, accepting or rejecting all cookies, or select those whose installation supports and which do not.


THE COMPANY does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in access to the Site, its Contents, or that it is updated, although it will develop its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, remedy or update them. Therefore, THE COMPANY is not responsible for damages of any kind caused by the End User that cause failure or disconnection in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the Portal during the provision of the same or prior.

THE COMPANY excludes, with the exceptions provided for in the current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the Site and the Contents, to the non-compliance with the expectation of usefulness that users could have attributed to the Site and the Contents.

The function of the Hyperlinks that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other Websites that contain information about the subject matter. Such Hyperlinks do not constitute any suggestion or recommendation.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for the contents of such linked pages, the operation or usefulness of the Hyperlinks or the result of such links, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements therein that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

Access to the Site does not imply an obligation on the part of THE COMPANY to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It is up to the User, in any case, the availability of appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful software, therefore, THE COMPANY is not responsible for any security errors that may occur during the provision of the service of the Site, nor for the possible damage that may be caused to the computer system of the user or third parties (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses on the user’s computer used to connect to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of the same.


The conditions of use of this WEBSITE are indefinite. THE COMPANY reserves in any case the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to them, as well as their content.


If any clause included in these conditions is declared wholly or partially void or ineffective, such nullity will affect only that provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, subsisting in all other conditions.


The provision of the service of this WEBSITE and these conditions of use are governed by Spanish law.

Any dispute that concerns the services provided through this WEBSITE, will be resolved through the consumer arbitral tribunals, mediators or similar to those that the COMPANY is attached at the time of the dispute, as well as the corresponding courts and tribunals in accordance with Spanish law.

For any questions raised about the interpretation, application and compliance of this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise from its use, all parties involved submit to the Judges and Courts of Gijón, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

Applicable legislation

The Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.


All copyrights are reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce or disseminate, in whole or in part, by any means.