Do you know the history of the asturian flag?
Do you know the history of the asturian flag? Did you know that the flag of Asturias could have been red and yellow? The truth is that the history of the flag of Asturias is interesting. And not only because of the flag itself, but also because it serves to explain a subject that interests […]
Cans’ Festival. The one and only
You know that we are from Asturias, but we have a Cantabrian vocation in terms of our area of movement. We believe that there are many points in common between the lands and the people who live in the north of the Cantabrian mountain range. Mountains, cows and rain unite a lot. I don’t know […]
What is behind the title of “Principality” of Asturias?
This week has been celebrated the “Asturian Day”, and there is a detail that I think is curious and little known. As you know, the official name of Asturias, is that of “Principality of Asturias”. Also in the Asturian language. Most people do not know the origin of the name, they think it is related […]
Is there a DUTCH Santiago Way?
I am sure you know some of the best-known Caminos de Santiago. The French Way, the Primitive Way, the Northern Way, the Lebaniego Way… Everyone walks through the north of Spain. The French one runs by its south side, and the others by the north one. All of them have been awarded as World Heritage […]
A Neolithic mine, a Belgian engineer and an English company.
Few people know that there were many more mines than just coal mines all around the north of Spain. In addition, most people does not know very much about mining before the 19th century. This is a very interesting and very little known example… It all starts in the middle of Bronze Age, around 1500 […]